A huge thank you to the sponsors of the first Le Grand Elementary Robotics Team! Shasky Farms - Le Grand, CA Carnitas Barajas - Planada, CA Ramirez & Sons Inc. - Le Grand, CA...
Don't miss anything happening at Le Grand Elementary with your scholar by downloading the ParentSquare App in the Google Play or Apple store. Contact the school office for more in...
Library Fines may now be "paid" with three different methods.
1) Cash,
2) Box tops for Education - one box top = $0.10,
3) Reading Minutes in Library...
Mrs. Hansen is the school library clerk. The library is in the MultiMedia center. A computer system is available enabling students to locate books in our school library from any c...
Our purpose is to support Le Grand Elementary staff and students at all different levels, from volunteering, to raising money for school equipment to enhance our educational progr...